(Up to 2 dogs.)
30 minutes
Walk Plus allow your dogs to enjoy a walk, feeding, and watering all in one visit. The visit includes: 15 minute walk, stool pick up, feeding, fresh water, and of course a lot of love. Every visit includes an update with pictures of our adventure.
15 minutes
Simple Walk is great for healthy dogs who like to stroll around the neighborhood. The walk includes: stool pick up, fresh water, and of course a lot of love. Every visit includes an update with pictures of our adventure.
30 minutes
Cardio Walk is perfect for high-energy dog breeds. A 30 minute walk will make a dog very happy. This walk includes: stool pick up, fresh water, and of course a lot of love. Every visit includes an update with pictures of our adventure.
45 minutes
Extended Walk is ideal for active dogs who love long walks around the neighborhood. This service benefits pups, and all athletic dog breeds. The walk includes: stool pick up, fresh water, and of course a lot of love. Every visit includes an update with pictures of our adventure.
Most rates are based on 1 dog. Add additional dogs for $5 each.
Holidays are an additional $15.
Mileage fee of $5.75 will apply.

A regular walk is vitally important for your pet's health.
A walk can make a dog very happy. They love to check out the sights and smells and will really look forward to spending time with their J&H Pet Service dog walker. We offer three different dog walking categories catered to fit all your needs. J&H Pet Service is committed to providing the animals of Texas with the highest level of pet care and professionalism.